
Schizanthus grahamii

蛾蝶花 (學名: Schizanthus) Solanaceae[1]



Perez et al 2007b

由Perez等人(2007 [3])開發的系統發育樹,以根為中心,徘徊於一個古老的外群,然而授粉綜合症在三個分支中分裂,即 melittophylous (蜜蜂),phanellophylous(蛾)。 (鳥類)蜂鳥等 。 Perez et al(2007)最後指出,在花的花冠中,系統發育和授粉綜合徵或性狀的形態整合之間沒有相關性。 [4]


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C. Alcalde-Eon, J.C. Rivas-Gonzalo, O. Muñoz, M.T. Escribano-Bailón,2013 Schizanthus grahamii and Schizanthus hookeri. Is there any relationship between their anthocyanin compositions and their different pollination syndromes?,Phytochemistry, 85,62-71,

Javiera Chinga

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Cristen Cretton Humam Bieri Muñoz et Joseph-Nathan 2020 Phytochem Rev 19:615-641
